1 research outputs found

    Funcionamiento familiar y conductas antisociales en estudiantes de secundaria de una instituci贸n educativa estatal del distrito de Puente Piedra - 2016

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    RESUMEN La presente investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo determinar la relaci贸n entre funcionamiento familiar y conductas antisociales en 455 alumnos hombres y mujeres de 1er a 5to a帽o de secundaria de un colegio estatal en el distrito de Puente Piedra. Los instrumentos empleados fueron el Cuestionario de conductas antisociales 鈥揹elictivas (A-D) y la escala Apgar familiar. Los resultados hallaron correlaci贸n significativa e inversamente proporcional entre las variables funcionamiento familiar y conducta antisocial (rho=-,241**), asimismo los datos fueron correlacionados de acuerdo a la variable sexo obteniendo como resultados; correlaci贸n significativa e inversamente proporcional para mujeres (rho=-,363**) y hombres (rho=-,178**). Del mismo modo, se hall贸 que el 29% de los estudiantes evaluados perciben disfunci贸n familiar completa y un 36% poseen niveles altos de conducta antisocial. Se concluye que a mayor funcionalidad familiar menor ser谩 la frecuencia de conductas antisociales en estudiantes de secundaria de una instituci贸n estatal del distrito de Puente Piedra. PALABRAS CLAVE: funcionamiento familiar, conducta antisocial, adolescentes.ABSTRACT The objective of the present investigation was to determine the relationship between family functioning and antisocial behavior in 455 male and female students from 1st to 5th year of high school in a state school in the district of Puente Piedra. The instruments used were the Questionnaire on antisocial behaviors (A-D) and the Apgar family scale. The results found significant and inversely proportional correlation between the variables family functioning and antisocial behavior (rho = -, 241 **), also the data were correlated according to the sex variable obtaining as results; significant and inversely proportional correlation for women (rho = -, 363 **) and men (rho = -, 178 **). In the same way, it was found that 29% of the students evaluated perceive complete family dysfunction and 36% have high levels of antisocial behavior. It is concluded that the greater the family functionality, the lower the frequency of antisocial behavior in high school students from a state institution in the Puente Piedra district. KEYWORDS: family functioning, antisocial behavior, adolescents